Ikea: The Reliable Option

In The Persuaders the marketing concept of Lovemarks are brought up, essentially a company building up love and respect with its clients so that that client will always see that brand as something positive just by instinct. This is the marketing technique that I feel I have the strongest connection to. I have several brands that I believe are lovemarks for me including Converse, Annie’s Mac n Cheese, Clif Bars, and Kanken. The biggest brand that I feel shows the concept of love marks in my life and the lives of so many others is Ikea. In my experience, I have grown up with Ikea furniture. I remember from an early age getting to go to the ikea store and just loving getting to walk through the store and pick out which staged room was mine for the day. And then of course there was the kids section which was full of all kinds of toys that I begged to go to the entire time we walked around. Then after that there was the cafeteria where I could get spaghetti and meatballs with a classic ...